Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wow! A Year!

I just realized it has been almost a year since I've posted on my Cloth Diaper blog.  In part because there wasn't much to say.  Well except for the whole toilet training thing.  That would probably have been good to have blogged about.  In short, it has been 8 months since Lil T wore a daytime diaper, and 4 since he wore one at night.  We used cloth pull-ups and big boy underwear during the day. And continued to use our Good Mamas at night until he was ready to go without.  He probably continued to wear night time diapers a month longer than necessary. But he wanted to wear them and we let him. 

One of my big wins was to convince daycare that I didn't need to send anymore disposable pull-ups. She was only using them in case of an "emergency" during nap time.  So thankfully she is happy with a cloth pull-up for his naps.  It bugged me, a lot actually, that I had to send disposables with him to daycare. 

What now for this blog?  Well I'm open to questions from anyone taking on cloth diapers.  So if you want a first hand experience answer to a cloth diaper question post a comment and I'll respond.

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